Working for professionals from the most diverse areas of the productive economy, has led the professional team of Augé Legal & Fiscal to consolidate a long career in different fields of high specialization.
From the most traditional businesses, as well as their development by means of their digital namesakes to all those fields of high innovation that, to date, do not even find a homogeneous or updated regulatory framework but, nevertheless, can find analogous ways of operating through other normative umbrellas.
Therefore, our firm is a guarantee for the development of projects that are framed in all types of economic sectors.
In a world in which technological advances evolve much faster than people’s mentality and undoubtedly faster than the legislation, we must find the right balance within the established legal framework to accommodate innovation projects that complement the way in which many of the processes that form part of our daily lives operate. Blockchain is based on many different disciplines that involve the encryption of information to guarantee countless processes that have been traditionally deprived of this level of security. Augé Legal&Fiscal has been involved, through its relations with international investors and entrepreneurs, in the most recent regulatory manoeuvrings both in the field of “easy hubs”and potential “serious hubs” (which Andorra aspires to become).
By means of a draft law promoted in the Parliament of the Principality of Andorra, the aim is to turn the country into a benchmark for attracting international investment that may provide consistency and transparency to those businesses that are unknown to the vast majority of people. Specifically, the world of cryptocurrencies and its regulatory trends were the subject of an important conference held in the country, sponsored by our group, with the intention of determining where we stand with respect to this technology and to define the short-term goal of attracting transparent and value-added businesses.
For this reason, if you wish to establish your business in the Blockchain or cryptomoney sector in the Principality, Augé Legal&Fiscal is the best partner and advisor in this matter as regards mercantile implementation, tax implications and knowledge of the institutional situation.
Big Data
Mass data collection and analysis emerged decades ago. However, it is through technological development and the digitalisation of people’s social interactions that the capture, exploitation, sale and general businesses linked to data have become supremely important.
As a result of our relationship with clients who process big data for different purposes, we are perfectly aware of the regulations (especially data protection) that apply to potential contracts that seek to generate business through data and which allow those who acquire such data to make commercial or executive decisions.
We are, therefore, familiar with businesses that have these characteristics and can offer a holistic view of businesses working with BIG DATA that wish to set up in Andorra, based mainly on the fact that, given the essentially remote collection and marketing of data, our country is an excellent choice for direct taxation purposes.
Mobile apps
It is no secret that, in the 21st century world, there are very few business models left that have not already been proposed and implemented through mobile applications. Many of our clients have based their economic activity on the development, positioning or even commercialisation of mobile applications and for this reason it is a sector in which we have extensive knowledge.
Augé Legal&Fiscal not only wishes to encourage the projection of these and new models of economic development based on “apps”, but is also clearly and abundantly familiar with the legal treatment that should be given to the corporate structures and operations linked to them.
Therefore, we are the best option to support your project in the area of mobile or web applications in the Principality of Andorra.
E-Sports have become a true entertainment industry due to the evolution of the leisure mentality, particularly in the millennial generation’s world. The growth in popularity of these disciplines has grown proportionally over the years since the first videogame was launched to the market.
Currently, there are economic activities that range from the organisation of events, participation in national and international leagues or the creation of recreational forums and links to the world of sponsorships. Consequently, as Augé Legal&Fiscal is aware of the emergence of this sector and of the strong development that it will experience in our jurisdiction thanks to public-private support, any project linked to the E-games or E-sports sector will become a key area for our group.
Offline/online production and marketing
Although e-commerce already exists and has established itself as one of the most profitable business models in the world, we must not forget that the tangibility of the products, no matter how much it diminishes, will always contribute added value to the purchase of such products. Therefore, without moving away from the physical market, Augé Legal&Fiscal is increasingly looking to assist companies that wish to study hybrid models and even purely digital models.
Dropshipping platforms have marked a turning point in the way we understand trade, the organisation of stock and even the procurement and accountability mechanisms. The legal simplicity of physical trade contrasts with the innumerable ins-and-outs of its online counterpart as regards storage, indirect taxation and even such controversial issues as permanent establishments.
For all of these reasons, regardless of whether your business is hybrid, online or offline, our firm is the best option to undertake the comprehensive management of your projects in the area of trade.
Catering, hospitality and tourism
One of the central points of the redefinition of the Andorra trademark will be a clear commitment to change in those models that have historically clearly been at the forefront of the country’s economy. We are arriving at moment when the traditional tourist and hotel model is coming to an end.
This current economic situation requires that we perfect our public service model to ensure that our country’s excellence emerges as the main demand of potential investors seeking to lead their lives and businesses in Andorra and which, at the same time, will make our economy more dynamic.
Our group’s clear institutional vocation and the knowledge of the country’s hotel environment have allowed us to clearly identify the most successful models of hospitality and tourism in our jurisdiction. Therefore, not only can we be your legal and fiscal advisor, but we can also provide you with a broad view of the viability of your projects in accordance with our country’s natural evolution.
Andorra has evolved towards an increasingly inclusive and developed model of higher education. However, there are a great many educational disciplines that are highly relevant to the viability of business in the Principality that are not currently offered.
This fact offers incomparable opportunities to international companies offering services ranging from more traditional teachings such as the provision of hotel services to more advanced courses such as those related to digital marketing. There are countless fields of educational specialisation that will become supremely important for forming an adequately educated critical mass of people to work for and on behalf of those companies that decide to lay roots in our country.
In addition, the implementation of a model of excellence in higher education will attract students from around the world to undertake training in a country where this field is still in its infancy. Augé Legal&Fiscal can serve as your distinguished advisor in the country, not only due to its knowledge of all the educational models that are capable of success, but also due to the ease of access to institutional bodies that can commit to projects of great significance.
Real Estate

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Quantum Cryptography
Aside from the many technological evolutions that could soon revolutionise the world as we currently conceive it, there are potential business models (with which we already have links) that are based on concepts that go beyond the purely mathematical or technical. What we are referring to is known as Quantum Cryptography. The information security system on which this cryptography is based does not derive from scientific principles but is based on quantum mechanics. In other words, in the future, business models will emerge that lead to the obsolescence of Blockchain technology itself due to the fact that they are much more complete materially and factually.
It is for this very reason –and although it may seem difficult to contemplate today– that over the next few years, scientists and innovators from around the world will study the process of safeguarding information and data through the principles of quantum mechanics and, of course, this business format will be regulated through legislation.
Augé Legal&Fiscal aims to be a pioneer in this as yet unknown area, as it is now providing advice on legal matters to entrepreneurs who are beginning to develop projects of this nature.