Executive secretary functions

Executive secretary functions

In any company, of any size, each one of the employees is an essential key to be able to achieve all the yearly corporate goals. Each member of the company must have a clear idea about his functions within the group and must know how to empower them. Good management is essential and, in order to get it we must start from the base and from a correct organization. One of the figures that contributes to the organization of medium-sized companies is the secretary of the manager or executive secretary.

This is the professional figure that collaborates directly with the general management of the company, having to respond to the logistical organization of the front office and to the agenda needs of the company’s management positions. This professional is responsible for ensuring that his or her superior, at all times, has a well-managed temporary availability, office supplies, support from relevant colleagues or subordinates, organization of his conversations, etc. for him to be able to properly manage his work. For years, the secretary of the manager of a company was assigned few other functions than customer service, telephone answering, photocopying, and administrative file management.

It is necessary to bear in mind that the professional position described is the one that will be in charge of acting as a filter between the management and the rest (whether workers or clients), the one that will organize the meetings and will attend to the emails and phone calls that arrive at the general switchboard differentiating, among the orders received, all those that are important for the management.

With the evolution of companies, their needs have also evolved, as the functions associated to such needs. This is how, the figure of the secretary of the manager or executive secretary has become an essential job within the organization chart of any company (more in medium-sized than in small companies).

Therefore, regardless of whether or not the professional has university studies, as a general rule, he or she must be an organized and very dynamic person. In addition, this professional figures must show a friendly character, people skills and communication skills in different languages, since they will be the one who will act as a link between the different departments of the company, the management and all clients.


Augé Legal & Fiscal

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