Invest with Andorra

Invest with Andorra

In 2011, the new Government of Andorra had to face one of the most complex challenges of our history. The economic crisis which the country suffered, required to turn the page and bet unmistakably for the liberalization of the foreign investment, as a strategy for a more than necessary economic diversification, as traditional sectors were in crisis.

In this context and to continue with my reflections on the country’s brand and with the necessity to give a boost to the new economic model that was being managed and to give it some International visibility, I understood that I had to commit in the Employers management association, assuming that it was from the private sector that this needed incentive had to be given. I have taken advantage of the invitation of the former President of the CEA (Andorran Employers Confederation), Mr. Xavier Altimir, by starting to work by his side, first as a shareholder, then as the Spokesperson of the Executive Board and finally as the President of the Commission for the International and Institutional Relations. Therefore, we committed ourselves to conceive a valuable document to expose to the world what Andorra has to offer as a differential jurisdiction, especially regarding its new economic and fiscal system that, combined with the economic openness and the European homologation, had to benefit the foreign investors’ attractivity of the country.

The Invest With Andorra IWAND was presented in November 2012 and in December of the same year I held a conference in Barcelona (Foment del treball), where we exposed for the first time the assets of investing in Andorra. Many conferences followed this presentation in Andorra and around the world: Spain, France, Portugal, and other countries such as China, Russia, United Arab Emirates or Azerbaijan. The first impression of these trips was that Andorra was very little known and that it will take much more than a conference or a descriptive document of what Andorra could offer to attract future investors.

Years later, the CEA decided to reformulate the country’s brand, which I, with the help of my son Pau, were analyzing since 2011. Finally, the CEA created the Commission for the Andorra’s Brand for which I was the servant, assisted by about fifty unselfish holders of the institution, and together we started a process I explained hundreds of times to diverse media and that came to a head in the solemn presentation of the new project for the Andorra’s brand in March 2019.

Today, after many years and almost being left in oblivion, the firm that I preside and that is the owner of the copyrights of the document Invest With Andorra, has chosen to update it and to create a new version of it. The result will be known soon enough. However, all that I can say is that it will still be a simple and useful tool to acknowledge Andorra as the most competitive jurisdiction of Europe.

Therefore, through a series of articles, we will develop this document that describes the good and the best of this little but great country named Andorra.

The Management

Augé Legal & Fiscal

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