Observatory of the Andorra Brand (XLIII): Education as a key evolutionary factor in the country’s future strategy

guia completa sobre impuestos en andorra

We have long been aware, at least theoretically, that the development of knowledge is a key factor in ensuring optimal progress and securing a future with promising prospects for our society. And I say theoretically because, today, we are still somewhat unclear about the objectives our country aims to achieve in the medium and long term, especially in a key area like education and training.

Just as the pandemic marked a before and after in the way we carry out our work, successfully introducing remote work and the exponential growth of digital connectivity in daily and professional interactions, we find ourselves considering whether we should strengthen university and professional educational initiatives in the traditional, in-person model. However, even that model has evolved. Today, there are educational experiences like Harbour Space University, which, breaking away from stereotypes, focus on identifying talent and connecting it with the demands of international companies. These companies aim to sponsor and mentor talent as soon as candidates show promise through their capabilities.

Without being alarmist, but with the humble desire to help reflect on the path the country must take, it must be concluded that if we truly want to protect and support the talent we have locally while also attracting talent from abroad, which is still waiting for someone to help it develop and succeed, then merely generating a few headlines is not enough. Instead, we must design an effective long-term strategy that goes beyond political ideologies and electoral promises.

With this perspective in mind, I can only emphasize the value of education and training, taking them much further than we have until now. For years, Andorra has adapted its educational offerings to meet the country’s needs. And that was the case until 2012 when educational consumption was primarily internal and seemingly sufficient.

However, 2012 marks a turning point, as opening up to foreign investment to react to the lack of economic diversification and combat the crisis in which we were mired changed everything. We began to understand that we needed to open ourselves to the arrival of new residents, investors, and companies, which brought new needs in turn. Education is very much present in these new needs, leading to a growing demand for international education from primary school to high school. Moreover, foreign educational investment projects, such as the Agora and British international schools, have arrived. Both may need to expand their facilities and capacity, or other schools may need to be established to meet the growing demand in the coming years. We could say that, regarding international and national primary and secondary education, the new and growing demand from new foreign investor residents has led to the development of projects to meet this demand with the offerings we have today.

Thus, when we extol the virtues of the country, expressing our sense of belonging, pride in being Andorran, and promoting our strengths to the world, we can say that the country’s educational offering is up to standard and becomes an argument for attracting new residents and qualified investors. In short, a good educational offering helps to promote the Andorra Brand, which strives to attract talent and qualified investment.

But there is an even more important aspect to develop for the Andorra Brand: the development of knowledge in its full extent and dimension. Andorra has been very cautious and conservative in developing university and professional studies, always doing so from a local perspective. However, if we seek to go further, we will see that the consolidation of a society, the foundation of a prosperous and developed population, is closely linked to the “university.” We have been flooded with virtual universities, attracted by the tax advantages, but which can do little to contribute to the real development of knowledge on-site, in the country. That is why I believe that, sooner or later, the country’s authorities will realize that it is necessary, on the one hand, to significantly strengthen the University of Andorra by providing it with the resources to offer a wide range of high-quality, in-person studies capable of attracting students from around the world. Precisely because there is no ecosystem safer, healthier, or more attractive—especially for parents concerned about their children—than Andorra. Of course, we must expand educational facilities, create infrastructure to accommodate resident students, and conduct numerous economic and financial studies to make the project viable. But there are experts for this, and if we know how to take advantage of it, the European Union itself could help.

On the other hand, it is necessary to implement the necessary actions, in coordination with private initiatives, to attract some of the best international universities by offering the necessary facilities and allowing qualified foreign investment in the form of international funds to finance the projects. This would create a large university campus capable of attracting students from Europe or America, interested in the offering and the ecosystem. Imagine not only the students but also the professors and researchers, all interacting in this virtuous campus! An example would be the problems we face today in Andorra’s public healthcare system, precisely because it is difficult to attract international doctors to come and work in Andorra. And why? Not attractive enough economic conditions, yes, but even more importantly, there is no teaching or research offering. This has a solution: a private university in the field of medical studies, a breeding ground for future doctors, professors, and researchers, and a collateral hub of companies linked to research or even high-performance sports (sports medicine).

I wonder, since the cradle of knowledge is in the country’s schools, why shouldn’t Andorran education, in all its diversity, take the first step in developing a large knowledge hub, a large university campus that becomes a symbol of the country and gives a definitive boost to the Andorra Brand, transforming us into a powerful attractor of talent at all levels? What a valuable tool our schools have in their hands to make our country known and appreciated by the students—new residents from the most diverse cultures and in constant connection with the outside world! Imagine the number of young people who pass through our schools and who, one day, will be able to develop their sense of belonging to Andorra and become great advocates and ambassadors for the virtues of Andorra in the future!

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